
Important articles, information and updates for selected entrepreneurs.

  • (EN) Zasadnutia pracovných skupín Medzinárodnej energetickej agentúry – marec 2024


  • (EN) Oil Forum 2023


  • (EN) Stretnutie ACOMES 2023


  • (EN) Stretnutia Best Practice Group a Benchmarking Group 2023 v Bratislave


  • Information on approval of price for providing the emergency stock maintenance services valid from 1st of February, 2024

    Emergency Oil Stock Agency (hereinafter as “Agency”) would like to inform selected entrepreneurs that, following the request of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic for an increase of price for providing the emergency stock maintenance for the purpose of early repayment of the returnable financial loan provided to the Agency, the members' meeting of the Agency approved a new amount of price for providing the emergency stocks maintenance for selected entrepreneurs in accordance with poi... Read more...

  • Information on approval of price for providing the emergency stock maintenance services for the calendar year 2024

    Information on approval of price for providing the emergency stock maintenance services for the calendar year 2024  Emergency Oil Stock Agency would like to inform selected entrepreneurs about the price for providing the emergency stocks maintenance services, which was approved by the Members’ meeting of the Emergency Oil Stock Agency at its meeting on 22-nd of November 2023. The price for providing the emergency stocks maintenance services for year 2024 remains unchanged compared to year 2023 a... Read more...

  • International Energy Agency Working Group Meetings - March 2023

    On the 15th - 16th on March 2023, two representatives of the Emergency Oil Stocks Agency participated in the meetings of the working groups of the International Energy Agency (IEA) in Paris - the IEA Standing Group on Emergency Questions (SEQ) and the IEA Standing Group on Oil Markets (SOM). The SEQ Group deals primarily with the issues of preparedness of member countries for emergencies in the supply of crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas and electricity. At the meeting, the IEA Secretariat present... Read more...

  • Conclusions from the Agency's control activities in 2022

      The control activity of the Agency is primarily aimed at verifying the amount of emergency stocks of crude oil and petroleum products (hereinafter referred to as "emergency stocks"), which are stored for the Agency by recognized stock keepers in their storage facilities based on the relevant storage contracts. The aim of the control is mainly to verify that recognized stock keepers maintain emergency stocks in sufficient quantity and satisfactory quality. Controls are carried out in accordance with ... Read more...

  • Information on approval of unit coefficient of price for providing the emergency stock maintenance services for the calendar year 2023

     Emergency Oil Stock Agency would like to inform selected entrepreneurs about the unit coefficient of the price for providing the emergency stocks maintenance services, which was approved by the Members’ meeting of the Emergency Oil Stock Agency at its meeting on 29-th of November 2022. The unit coefficient of the price for providing the emergency stocks maintenance services for year 2023 remains unchanged compared to year 2022 and represents an amount of € 29.65 / 1000 l or 29.65 EUR / 1000... Read more...

  • International Energy Agency Working Group Meetings – November 2022

    On the 16th - 17th November 2022, representatives of the Emergency Oil Stocks Agency participated in the meetings of the working groups of the International Energy Agency (IEA) in Paris - the IEA Standing Group on Emergency Questions (SEQ) and the IEA Standing Group on Oil Markets (SOM). The subject of the SEQ meeting was mainly issues of emergency preparedness in the supply of crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas and electricity. At the meeting, the IEA Secretariat presented the preliminary proposal... Read more...

  • ACOMES meeting 2022

    On September 5-th and 6-th, 2022, the 33rd Annual Coordinating Meeting of Entity Stockholders - ACOMES took place in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The ACOMES meeting is a place for the exchange of experience, knowledge and best practices in the maintenance of emergency stocks between representatives of agencies and organizations storing emergency stocks of crude oil and petroleum products for individual countries. This year's meeting was attended by representatives from Europe, Asia and North America. Repres... Read more...

  • Extraordinary ACOMES meeting 2022

    After a two-year break caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, an extraordinary Coordination Meeting of entity stockholders - ACOMES - was held on May 9th, 2022 in Brussels, Belgium. The reason for this meeting was mainly the need of the participating organisations to discuss the current situation related to the war in Ukraine and its impact on the energy markets. The mentioned events also have a significant impact on organizations maintaining emergency stocks of crude oil and oil products. The main conseque... Read more...

  • Conclusions from the Agency's control activities in 2021

      The control activity of the Agency is primarily aimed at verifying the amount of emergency stocks of crude oil and petroleum products (hereinafter referred to as "emergency stocks"), which are stored for the Agency by recognized stock keepers in their storage facilities based on the relevant storage contracts. The aim of the control is to verify that recognized stock keepers maintain emergency stocks in sufficient quantity and satisfactory quality. Controls are carried out in accordance with Act No.... Read more...

  • Information on approval of unit coefficient of price for providing the emergency stock maintenance services for the calendar year 2022

     Emergency Oil Stock Agency would like to inform selected entrepreneurs about the unit coefficient of the price for providing the emergency stocks maintenance services, which was approved by the Members’ meeting of the Emergency Oil Stock Agency at its meeting on 29-th of November 2021. The unit coefficient of the price for providing the emergency stocks maintenance services for year 2022 remains unchanged compared to year 2021 and represents an amount of € 29.65 / 1000 l or 29.65 EUR / 1000... Read more...


     In connection with the upcoming public procurement for the selection of recognized stock keepers of emergency stocks of crude oil and petroleum products, we would like to inform you that on 19.11.2021 the Emergency Oil Stocks Agency (hereinafter referred to as the "Agency") published a preliminary notice in the Official Journal of the European Union. The purpose of publishing this advance notice is to notify relevant suppliers that the Agency will finalize the preparation of this public procurement an... Read more...

  • Information on the update of „ Notification on Volume “ form

     Dear selected entrepreneurs, in connection with the update of the template for tax declaration for excise tax on mineral oil valid from July 1-st, 2021, the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic issued "Instructions for filling out the tax return and additional tax return for excise tax on mineral oil according to Act no. 98/2004 Coll. on excise duty on mineral oil as amended" (hereinafter referred to as "Instructions"). Point 13 of the Instruction states: "If no tax rate is established on a min... Read more...

  • Information on the changes in Articles of Association of Emergency Oil Stocks Agency

    We would like to inform you that on July 21-st, 2021, the Government of the Slovak Republic approved a proposal to amend the Articles of Association of the Emergency Oil Stocks Agency (hereinafter referred to as the "Agency"), and on this date the amended Articles of Association entered into force. The main goal of these changes was to align the Articles of Association of the Agency with the amended wording of Act no. 218/2013 Coll. on emergency stocks of crude oil and petroleum products and on the dealing ... Read more...

  • Invitation to preparatory market consultations in connection with the possible construction of storage facilities

    We would like to invite you to preparatory market consultations for the preparation of a public procurement for the selection of a recognized stock keepers of emergency stocks of crude oil and petroleum products pursuant to § 25 of Act no. 343/2015 Coll. on Public procurement and on the amendment of certain laws as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Public Procurement Act"). The Emergency Oil Stocks Agency (hereinafter referred to as the "Agency") is preparing a public procurement for the select... Read more...

  • Invitation for preparatory market consultations for potential bidders in the public procurement process

    We take the opportunity of inviting you to preparatory market consultations for the preparation of a public procurement for the selection of a recognized stock keepers of emergency stocks of crude oil and petroleum products pursuant to § 25 of Act no. 343/2015 Coll. on Public procurement and on the amendment of certain laws as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Public Procurement Act"). The Emergency Oil Stocks Agency (hereinafter referred to as the "Agency") is preparing a public procurement fo... Read more...

  • Statement of the Emergency Oil Stocks Agency to the report of the SAO

    Following the report on the result of the inspection "Strategic energy security policy in the area of emergency stocks of crude oil and petroleum products", which the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic (hereinafter referred to as "SAO") submits for consideration by the Committee of the National Assembly of the Slovak Republic for Economic Affairs, the Emergency Oil Stocks Agency (hereinafter referred to as the "Agency") allows to indicate the following statement: When comparing the content of the ... Read more...

  • Conclusions from the Agency's control activities in 2020

    The control activity of the Agency is primarily aimed at verifying the amount of emergency stocks of crude oil and petroleum products (hereinafter referred to as "emergency stocks"), which are stored for the Agency by recognized stock keepers in their storage facilities based on the storage contracts. The aim of the control is mainly to verify that recognized stock keepers maintain emergency stocks in sufficient quantity and satisfactory quality. Controls are carried out in accordance with Act No. 218/2013 ... Read more...

  • Information on approval of unit coefficient of price for providing the emergency stock maintenance services for the calendar year 2021

    Emergency Oil Stock Agency would like to inform selected entrepreneurs about the unit coefficient of the price for providing the emergency stocks maintenance services, which was approved by the Members’ meeting of the Emergency Oil Stock Agency at its meeting on 30-th of November 2020. The unit coefficient of the price for providing the emergency stocks maintenance services for year 2021 remains unchanged compared to year 2020 and represents an amount of € 29.65 / 1000 l or 29.65 EUR / 1000 kg. ... Read more...

  • Precautionary measures taken by the Emergency Oil Stocks Agency to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19)

    Based on the recommendations of the Regional Office of Public Health of the Slovak Republic to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19), the management of the Emergency Oil Stocks Agency has enabled its employees to work from home as much as possible (the so-called home-office). Due to the measures to protect the health of the Agency's employees, the presence of employees at the Agency's headquarters will be limited until further notice. You can handle your questions, requests, and claims by p... Read more...

  • Conclusions from the Agency's control activities in 2019

    The main goal of the control activity carried out by the Agency's employees is to verify the state of emergency stocks of crude oil and petroleum products (hereinafter referred to as "emergency stocks") protected by recognized stock keepers in terms of quantity and quality. Controls are carried out in accordance with Act No. 218/2013 Coll. on Emergency stocks of oil and petroleum products and on dealing with state of oil emergency and on the amendments and supplements of certain acts as amended, the Statute... Read more...

  • Information on approval of unit coefficient of price for providing the emergency stock maintenance services for the calendar year 2020

      Emergency Oil Stock Agency would like to inform selected entrepreneurs about the unit coefficient of the price for providing the emergency stocks maintenance services, which was approved by the Members’ meeting of the Emergency Oil Stock Agency at its meeting on 18-th of December 2019. The unit coefficient of the price for providing the emergency stocks maintenance services for year 2020 remains unchanged compared to year 2019 and represents an amount of € 29.65 / 1000 l or 29.65 EUR / 10... Read more...

  • Academic panel of the Administration of State Material Reserves

      On 26 November 2019 a meeting of the academic panel - an advisory body to the chairman of the Administration of State Material Reserves of the Czech Republic – took place in the building of the Administration of State Material Reserves of the Slovak Republic. Within the frame of cooperation and good relations between the Czech and Slovak Administrations of State Material Reserves the chairman of the Slovak ASMR is one of the academic panel’s members and on basis of his invitation this me... Read more...

  • Meeting of the Oil Coordination Group in Brussels

        On 21 November 2019 a representative of the Emergency Oil Stocks Agency attended meeting of the Oil Coordination Group (OCG) in Brussels, which was created on basis of the Council Directive 2009/119/EC imposing an obligation on Member States to maintain minimum stocks of crude oil and/or petroleum products. Representatives of the member countries meet regularly in OCG with European Commission representatives to discuss actual issues of energy security in the area of crude oil and petroleum p... Read more...

  • Information on the change of Business Terms and the change in the form of the Contract on Procuring the Maintenance of Emergency Stocks from 1 January 2020.

      Dear Selected Entrepreneurs, in connection with the amended Act no. 218/2013 Coll. on emergency stocks of oil and petroleum products and on dealing with state of oil emergency and on amendments and supplements to certain acts as amended by Act No. 235/2019 Coll. amending Act no. 218/2013 Coll. on emergency stocks of oil and petroleum products and on dealing with state of oil emergency and on amendments and supplements to certain acts (hereinafter the “Amended Act No. 218/2013 Coll.”), w... Read more...

  • Meetings of the International Energy Agency – October 2019

      On 22-nd and 23-rd of October 2019, representatives of the Agency attended the meetings of the International Energy Agency (IEA) working groups in Paris - the IEA Standing Group on Oil Markets (SOM) and the IEA Standing Group on Emergency Questions (SEQ). At the beginning of the 159-th session of the SEQ, an evaluation of Member States' compliance with storage obligations was presented. The Slovak Republic is constantly fulfilling its commitments, currently at approximately 122 days of average dail... Read more...

  • NESO –Oil Security Commision meeting

    On 16-th of October 2019, regular meeting of NESO was organized in premises of the Administration of State Material Reserves of the Slovak Republic (ASMR SR). At the meeting, the representative of the ASMR SR informed the attendees of the prepared emergency plan, the preparation of which is determined by Act no. 218/2013 Coll. on emergency stocks of oil and petroleum products and on dealing with state of oil emergency and on amendments and supplements to certain acts (herein after referred to as “Act... Read more...

  • ACOMES meeting 2019

    30th annual coordinating meeting of entity stockholders – ACOMES took place in Rome, Italy on September 9th and 10th, 2019. ACOMES meeting is a venue where representatives of the stockholding agencies and organisations that keep emergency oil stocks meet annually to share experience, knowledge and best practice of keeping the emergency stocks. This year’s meeting was attended by representatives from 28 countries from Europe, Asia and northern America. Slovak Republic was represented by two deleg... Read more...

  • Meetings of the International Energy Agency – june 2019

    On 26 and 27 June 2019, our colleagues participated in meetings of the International Energy Agency (IEA) working groups in Paris - Standing Group on Emergency Questions (SEQ) and Standing Group on Oil Markets (SOM). SOM meeting focused mainly on the current situation on the world oil market. Crude oil prices are currently stabilized with relatively low volatility. The IEA Secretariat has addressed the forecast of crude oil consumption for the next two years. China has become the biggest crude oil consumer ... Read more...

  • V4 emergency response exercise

    On 19 June 2019 Emergency Oil Stocks Agency (EOSA) organized emergency response exercise of V4 countries in the area of oil security. EOSA organised the exercise within the framework of official program of the Slovak Republic’s presidency in Vysegrad group and it was attended by representatives of respective entities from Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Besides representatives of EOSA the Slovak Republic was represented also by experts from the Administration of State Material Reserves, ... Read more...

  • Meeting of Best Practice Group 2019

    Meeting of Best Practice Group – BPG, which is affiliated group to the ACOMES meeting, took place in Copenhagen on 14 May 2019. ACOMES meeting is a venue where representatives of the stockholding agencies and organisations holding emergency oil stocks meet once a year usually in September to share experience, knowledge and best practice for keeping of the emergency stocks. BPG is a smaller group which deals with topics from ACOMES meeting in more details or discusses its own specific topics. Slovak Re... Read more...

  • Meetings of the International Energy Agency – March 2019

    On 19-21 March 2019 two representatives of the Emergency Oil Stocks Agency participated in meetings of the International Energy Agency (IEA) working groups in Paris - Standing Group on Emergency Questions (SEQ) and Standing Group on Oil Markets (SOM). Subject of the SEQ meetings was mainly issues of preparedness of member countries for the emergencies in the area of crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas and electricity supplies. IEA secretariat presented mainly up-to-date information on process of sto... Read more...

  • Information on approval of unit coefficient of price for providing the emergency stock maintenance services for the calendar year 2019

    Emergency Oil Stock Agency would like to inform selected entrepreneurs about the unit coefficient of the price for providing the emergency stocks maintenance services, which was approved by the Members’ meeting of the Emergency Oil Stock Agency at its meeting on 18-th of December 2018. The unit coefficient of the price for providing the emergency stocks maintenance services for year 2019 remains unchanged compared to year 2018 and represents an amount of € 29.65 / 1000 l or 29.65 EUR / 1000 kg. ... Read more...

  • IEA meetings and workshop on change of the IEA stockholding obligation

    On 27-29 November 2018 two representatives of the Emergency Oil Stocks Agency participated in meetings of the International Energy Agency (IEA) working groups in Paris - Standing Group on Emergency Questions (SEQ) and Standing Group on Oil Markets (SOM). Meetings of the working groups were preceded by workshop of the SEQ delegates aimed at reevaluation of the basic stockholding obligation of IEA member countries to keep emergency stocks of crude oil and petroleum products. The IEA intends to reform the sto... Read more...

  • ACOMES meeting 2018

    29th annual coordinating meeting of entity stockholders – ACOMES took place in Hamburg, Germany on September 10th and 11th, 2018. ACOMES meeting is a venue where representatives of the stockholding agencies and organisations that keep emergency oil stocks meet annually to share experience, knowledge and best practice of keeping of the emergency stocks. This year’s meeting was attended by representatives from 26 countries from Europe, Asia and northern America. Slovak Republic was represented by ... Read more...

  • IEA meetings and ERE 9 exercise

    On 26-27 June 2018 two representatives of the Emergency Oil Stocks Agency participated in meetings of the International Energy Agency (IEA) working groups in Paris - Standing Group on Emergency Questions (SEQ) and Standing Group on Oil Markets (SOM). SEQ group is dedicated especially to the issues of preparedness of member countries for the emergencies in the area of crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas and electricity supplies. On the June meeting the IEA Secretariat presented time schedule of plann... Read more...

  • Meeting of Best Practice Group 2018

    Meeting of Best Practice Group – BPG, which is affiliated group to the ACOMES meeting, took place in Paris on 15 May 2018. ACOMES meeting is a venue where representatives of the stockholding agencies and organisations holding emergency oil stocks meet once a year usually in September to share experience, knowledge and best practice for keeping of the emergency stocks. BPG is a smaller group which deals with topics from ACOMES meeting in more details or discusses its own specific topics. Slovak Republi... Read more...

  • Information on change of the Business Terms from 15 June 2018

    CHANGE OF BUSINESS TERMS Of EMERGENCY OILS STOCK AGENCY Dear selected entrepreneurs, in connection with the new Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on Personal Data Protection and on amendments to certain laws, as amended (hereinafter "the new Act on Personal Data Protection"), Emergency Oil Stock Agency (hereinafter referred to as "Agency") has drafted a change in the Business Terms, which creates attachmentNo. 1 to the Contract on Procuring the Maintenance of Emergency Stocks The amendment concerns Article 16 of th... Read more...

  • Meetings of the International Energy Agency – March 2018

    On 20-21 March 2018 two representatives of the Emergency Oil Stock Agency participated in meetings of the International Energy Agency (IEA) working groups in Paris - Standing Group on Oil Markets (SOM) and Standing Group on Emergency Questions (SEQ). The subject of the SOM meeting was in particular the current situation on the global oil markets. Global oil demand will continue to increase, but the rate of annual increase will be gradually reducing over the coming years. In the year 2018 global oil demand ... Read more...

  • Emergency exercise of V4 countries

    On 8 March 2018 an exercise aimed at solution of crude oil supply disruption attended by representatives from V4 countries – Hungary, Slovak Republic, Czech Republic and Poland took place in Budapest, Hungary. The exercise was organised by the Hungarian Ministry of National Development in course of current presidency of Hungary in V4. Slovak delegation was composed of representatives of the Emergency Oil Stocks Agency, the Administration of State Material Reserves and Slovak pipeline operator company ... Read more...

  • Minimal limit of emergency stocks for 2018

    According to § 7 (1) of the Act no. 218/2013 Coll. (on emergency stocks of crude oil and petroleum products and on dealing with state of oil emergency and on amendments and supplements of certain acts) the minimal limit of emergency stocks for current year is the volume of emergency stocks, which corresponds to 90 days of daily net imports of crude oil and petroleum products in previous calendar year. Minimal limit of emergency stocks for current year is determined by the Administration of State Mater... Read more...

  • Slovak Republic participated on the Emergency response exercise ERE 9 organized by the IEA

    On 7 February 2018 a meeting of Commission for oil security – NESO took place in the building of the Administration of State Material Reserves of the Slovak Republic (ASMR SR). The NESO commission is an advisory body to the Chairman of the ASMR SR in the area of security of crude oil and petroleum products supply. Members of the NESO commission are especially the most important representatives of the oil industry, relevant bodies of state administration, as well as the Emergency Oil Stocks Agency. Th... Read more...

  • Information on approval of unit coefficient of price for providing the emergency stock maintenance services for the calendar year 2018

    Emergency Oil Stock Agency would like to inform selected entrepreneurs about the unit coefficient of the price for providing the emergency stocks maintenance services, which was approved by the Members’ meeting of the Emergency Oil Stock Agency at its meeting on 19-th of December 2017. The  unit coefficient of the price for providing the emergency stocks maintenance services for year 2018 remains unchanged compared to year 2017 and represents an amount of € 29.65 / 1000 l or 29.65 EUR / 1000... Read more...

  • Meeting with representatives of the energy sector of Ukraine

    On 31 October 2017 the Emergency Oil Stocks Agency (EOSA) in cooperation with the Administration of State Material Reserves of the Slovak Republic (ASMR SR) hosted delegation of Ukrainian representatives from the area of energy and material reserves. The attendees form Ukraine were representatives of the State Agency on Reserves, Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry, as well as representatives of Ukrainian industry sector in the area of crude oil transport and storage and petroleum products trade. Purpose o... Read more...

  • NESO - Session of Commission for oil security

    On 25th October 2017 regular session of the Commission for oil security – NESO took place in the building of the Administration of State Material Reserves of the Slovak Republic (ASMR SR). The NESO commission is an advisory body to the Chairman of the ASMR SR in the area of security of crude oil and petroleum products supply. Members of the NESO commission are especially the most important representatives of the oil industry, relevant bodies of state administration, as well as the Emergency Oil Stocks... Read more...

  • ACOMES meeting 2017

    28th annual coordinating meeting of entity stockholders – ACOMES took place in Dublin, Ireland on September 18th and 19th, 2017. ACOMES meeting is a venue where representatives of the stockholding agencies and organisations holding emergency oil stocks meet annually to share experience, knowledge and best practice for keeping of the emergency stocks. This year’s meeting was attended by representatives from 28 countries from Europe, Asia and northern America. Slovak Republic was represented by de... Read more...

  • Participation of Agency at the meetings of the International Energy Agency

    Two representatives of the Emergency Oil Stock Agency participated in meetings of the International Energy Agency (IEA) working groups in Paris on 14-th and 15-th June 2017- Standing Group on Emergency Questions (SEQ) and Standing Group on Oil Markets (SOM). The SEQ meeting topics included mainly the issues of emergency situations with regard to the supplies of crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas and electricity and preparedness of member countries for their solution. Accession of new member (Mexico... Read more...

  • Visit to the Material Reserves Agency in Poland

    On 24-th and 25-th April 2017 a meeting of representatives of the Administration of State Material Reserves of the Slovak Republic, Administration of State Material Reserves of the Czech Republic and polish Material Reserves Agency took place. The meeting was organized in town of Świnoujście in Poland on basis of invitation from the polish Material Reserves Agency. Part of the Slovak delegation was also a representative of the Emergency Oil Stocks Agency. The meeting was aimed at the exchange of experience... Read more...

  • Participation of Agency at the meetings of the International Energy Agency

    On 20-th and 21-st March 2017 two representatives of the Emergency Oil Stock Agency participated in meetings of the working groups of the International Energy Agency (IEA) in Paris - Standing Group on Oil Markets (SOM) and Standing Group on Emergency Questions (SEQ). The main theme of the SOM meeting was particularly the current situation in global oil markets, with reference to developments of oil prices in previous years and the assumption of their development in the coming years. While the price of... Read more...

  • Minimal limit of emergency stocks for 2017

    According to § 7 (1) of the Act no. 218/2013 Coll. (on emergency stocks of crude oil and petroleum products and on dealing with state of oil emergency and on amendments and supplements of certain acts) the minimal limit of emergency stocks for current year is the volume of emergency stocks, which corresponds to 90 days of daily net imports of crude oil and petroleum products in previous calendar year. Minimal limit of emergency stocks for current year is determined by the Administration of State Mater... Read more...

  • Information on approval of unit coefficient of price for providing the emergency stock maintenance services for the calendar year 2017

    Emergency Oil Stock Agency would like to inform selected entrepreneurs on the change of unit coefficient of the price for providing the emergency stocks maintenance services, which was approved by the Members’ meeting of the Emergency Oil Stock Agency at its meeting on 30-th of November 2016. The new amount of the unit coefficient of the price for providing the emergency stocks maintenance services for year 2017, which will become effective from 1-st of January 2017, is € 29.65 / 1000 l or 29.65 ... Read more...

  • Participation of Agency at the meetings of the International Energy Agency

    On 27-th - 29-th September 2016, two representatives of the Emergency Oil Stock Agency participated in the meetings of the working groups of the International Energy Agency (IEA) in Paris - Standing Group on Oil Markets (SOM) and  Standing Group on Emergency Questions (SEQ). The main theme of the SOM meeting was particularly the current situation in global energy markets. The key point of discussion was the anticipated development of the crude oil price, given the statements made by Saudi Arabia and R... Read more...

  • EOSA participation at tactical exercise of Emergency – recovery system unit of TRANSPETROL, a.s. company

    On September 22-nd, 2016, two representatives of the Emergency Oil Stock Agency participated as observers in tactical exerciseof Emergency - recovery system unit of TRANSPETROL, a.s. company, in cooperation with Military Unit Zemianske Kostoľany (pipeline transport center), Regional Police Directorate Nitra, Regional Directorate of Fire and Rescue Force Nitra, Civil protection and Crisis Management Department of Ministry of Economy of Slovak Republic and voluntary fire protection units. HRON 2016 exercisewa... Read more...

  • ACOMES meeting 2016

    27th annual coordinating meeting of entity stockholders – ACOMES took place in Vienna on September 12th and 13th, 2016. ACOMES meeting is a venue where representatives of the stockholding agencies and organisations holding emergency oil stocks meet annually to share experience, knowledge and best practice for keeping of the emergency stocks. This year’s meeting was attended by representatives from 27 countries from Europe, Asia and northern America. Slovak Republic was represented by delegates f... Read more...

  • Meeting for the model of emergency stocks in Ukraine

    On May 26, 2016 meeting organized by the Ukrainian State Reserve Agency was held in Kiev. The object of discussion was the setting of the system formaintaining of emergency stocks of oil and petroleum products in Ukraine in accordance with the requirements of EU legislation. In connection with efforts for integrating into the European Union, Ukraine undertook to build up the emergency stocks in accordance with European legislation at the level of 90 days of average daily imports until 2023. The first step t... Read more...

  • Workshop of Energy community on emergency stocks

    Energy Community organized workshop from April 19-th to 20-th in Zagreb, Croatia, which focused on emergency stocks of oil and petroleum products. The Energy Community is an international organization, whose main task is to coordinate the policies of individual countries and develop cooperation in the field of energetics between the European Union on one hand and the countries of southeastern Europe and the Black Sea region on the other hand.These countries grouped in the Energy Community are not members of... Read more...

  • Participation of Agency at the meetings of the International Energy Agency

    On 15-th17-th March 2016 two representatives of the Emergency Oil Stock Agency participated in the meetings of the working groups of the International Energy Agency (IEA) in Paris - Standing Group on Emergency Questions (SEQ) and the Standing Group on Oil Markets(SOM). SEQ session was devoted to issues dealing with emergenciy states in the supply of crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas and electricity, as well as evaluation of  emergency response reviews (ERR) of the member countries,which IEA r... Read more...