Minimal limit of emergency stocks for 2018

According to § 7 (1) of the Act no. 218/2013 Coll. (on emergency stocks of crude oil and petroleum products and on dealing with state of oil emergency and on amendments and supplements of certain acts) the minimal limit of emergency stocks for current year is the volume of emergency stocks, which corresponds to 90 days of daily net imports of crude oil and petroleum products in previous calendar year.

Minimal limit of emergency stocks for current year is determined by the Administration of State Material Reserves of the Slovak Republic (ASMR SR) on basis of data collected in the process of state statistical survey. According to the 2017 data the ASMR SR calculated average daily net imports at the level of 8 182 metric tonnes. On basis of this the ASMR SR determined the minimal limit of emergency stocks for 2018 at the level of 736 392 tonnes of crude oil equivalent.

The Emergency Oil Stocks Agency is obliged to keep the emergency stocks at least at the level of above mentioned minimal limit from 1 April 2018 for the period of next 12 calendar months.