Information on the changes in Articles of Association of Emergency Oil Stocks Agency

We would like to inform you that on July 21-st, 2021, the Government of the Slovak Republic approved a proposal to amend the Articles of Association of the Emergency Oil Stocks Agency (hereinafter referred to as the "Agency"), and on this date the amended Articles of Association entered into force. The main goal of these changes was to align the Articles of Association of the Agency with the amended wording of Act no. 218/2013 Coll. on emergency stocks of crude oil and petroleum products and on the dealing with state of oil emergency and on the amendments and supplements to certain acts (hereinafter referred to as "Act No. 218/2013 Coll."). When changing the Articles of Association, the previous application practice was also reflected, especially in connection with the operational meeting of the Agency's bodies and the modification of some of their competences, as well as in connection with the harmonization of the terminology of the relevant terms and the specification of the modification of the calculation of fee for the provision of emergency stock maintenance services by the Agency, in order to avoid any doubts regarding its calculation.

You can familiarize yourself with the current version of the Agency's Articles of Association on this Agency's website in the "INTERNAL DOCUMENTS" section.