Meeting with representatives of the energy sector of Ukraine
On 31 October 2017 the Emergency Oil Stocks Agency (EOSA) in cooperation with the Administration of State Material Reserves of the Slovak Republic (ASMR SR) hosted delegation of Ukrainian representatives from the area of energy and material reserves. The attendees form Ukraine were representatives of the State Agency on Reserves, Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry, as well as representatives of Ukrainian industry sector in the area of crude oil transport and storage and petroleum products trade. Purpose of the meeting was especially to share knowledge and experience from the process of building of the oil emergency stocks and state material reserves in the Slovak republic.
The Ukrainian government is trying to set up a system of emergency stocks that would comply with the requirements of European legislation. Main objective in this area is to maintain emergency stocks at the level corresponding to at least to 90 days of daily net imports of crude oil and petroleum products. Currently a process of evaluation of the most suitable model of emergency stocks is under way in Ukraine. After previous meetings with representatives of the EOSA agency it is probable that the Ukrainian emergency stocks model will be to certain extent inspired by the Slovak agency model of emergency stocks. This meeting should offer more detailed presentation of the Slovak system to the Ukrainian representatives.
The representatives of the EOSA and ASMR SR on this meeting presented especially the following topics related to Slovak system of emergency stocks:
institutional structure of the EOSA and ASMR SR,
procedures of emergency stocks procurement and refreshments,
control system over compulsory stocks obligations,
organisation of EOSA and ASMR SR management system,
Coordination with other institutions and international organizations.
Among Slovak representatives were alongside EOSA and ASMR SR also representatives from the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic and the Slovak crude oil pipeline operator company TRANSPETROL, a.s.