ACOMES meeting 2018

29th annual coordinating meeting of entity stockholders – ACOMES took place in Hamburg, Germany on September 10th and 11th, 2018. ACOMES meeting is a venue where representatives of the stockholding agencies and organisations that keep emergency oil stocks meet annually to share experience, knowledge and best practice of keeping of the emergency stocks. This year’s meeting was attended by representatives from 26 countries from Europe, Asia and northern America. Slovak Republic was represented by one delegate from the Emergency Oil Stocks Agency and one delegate from the Administration of State Material Reserves of the Slovak Republic.

ACOMES meeting is concerned with various topics connected with technical, organisational and financial aspects of the emergency stockholding. Main topic areas of this year’s meeting were especially oil disruptions emergency planning, cyber-security of the stockholding organisations, blackout preparedness of the oil sector and storage of oil stocks with biofuels content.

Representative of the Emergency Oil Stocks Agency contributed to the agenda with 2 presentations to the relevant topics:

  • Presentation about V4 emergency exercise – emergency response exercise of V4 countries including Slovak Republic took place in March 2018 in Hungary. The exercise was aimed at training of emergency response to crude oil disruptions in the region of Central Europe.
  • Presentation about electricity blackout preparedness of the Slovak oil sector – object of the presentation was an analysis of oil sector ability to facilitate petroleum products supplies in the Slovak republic in case of large-scale electricity blackouts. Result of the analysis was finding that the oil sector on the level of refinery, crude oil and products storage sites, as well as part of the filling stations, would be able to continue to supply the Slovak Republic also in case of such blackouts with the help of back-up power generators.