ACOMES meeting 2017

28th annual coordinating meeting of entity stockholders – ACOMES took place in Dublin, Ireland on September 18th and 19th, 2017. ACOMES meeting is a venue where representatives of the stockholding agencies and organisations holding emergency oil stocks meet annually to share experience, knowledge and best practice for keeping of the emergency stocks. This year’s meeting was attended by representatives from 28 countries from Europe, Asia and northern America. Slovak Republic was represented by delegates from the Emergency Oil Stocks Agency.

Main areas of interest of the ACOMES meetings are technical, organisational and financial aspects of the emergency stockholding. Selected topics are presented by delegates from member countries and further discussions with other representatives follow the presentations. Main topic areas of this year’s meeting were especially prevention of financial frauds and cyber-attacks, liability insurance, planning of emergency response and emergency stocks releasing, maintaining quality of crude oil and petroleum products during long-term stockholding, setting of agency’s financing and emergency stockholding fee.

Above mentioned topics discussed at the ACOMES meeting are object of everyday activity of the agencies responsible for maintaining of emergency stocks in respective countries. Exchange of knowledge and experience in such extent is greatly beneficial for all the attending organizations, since it allows the agencies to confront their own systems of emergency stockholding with different views and approaches and to set up most effective system able to eliminate negative impacts of potential energy crisis in future.