Meeting of the Oil Coordination Group in Brussels



On 21 November 2019 a representative of the Emergency Oil Stocks Agency attended meeting of the Oil Coordination Group (OCG) in Brussels, which was created on basis of the Council Directive 2009/119/EC imposing an obligation on Member States to maintain minimum stocks of crude oil and/or petroleum products. Representatives of the member countries meet regularly in OCG with European Commission representatives to discuss actual issues of energy security in the area of crude oil and petroleum products supplies.

Main topics of this meeting were especially:

  • Evaluation of the state of implementation of Commission Implementing Directive (EU) 2018/1581 amending Council Directive 2009/119/EC as regards the methods for calculating stockholding obligations, which the member states were obliged to transpose into their national legislations not later than on 19 October 2019,
  • Information and evaluation of the May 2019 emergency situation regarding disruption of the crude oil supplies to Europe through the Druzhba pipeline,
  • Cybersecurity in the oil sector,
  • European Projects of common interest in the area of oil infrastructure,
  • Changes in the crude oil and petroleum products data reporting to the Eurostat,
  • Information on emergency preparedness in member countries, on international cooperation in the area of emergency preparedness and so on.

Representative of the EOSA Agency on this meeting presented information about experience of the Slovak Republic with the above mentioned Druzhba emergency situation, about implemented solutions, outcomes and lessons learned from this situation.